Thursday, January 15, 2009

Award & Addictions...

I'm updating this post to join Hooked On Houses blog party.

Girly Stuff has given me this "Fabulous" award and asked that I list 5 addictions. So here is goes:

1. Coffee - I hate to admit it but I would be a cranky, unlikable person if I didn't have my morning cup of joe.

2. Blogging - If you're NOT addicted, raise your hand......I'm not seeing many hands.

3. Tinkering - I love trying accessories in different areas of the house or moving furniture around. My husband laughs at me and tells me I'm sick. I agree!

4. Little Debbie cakes - I can eat a whole box during certain times of the month.

5. Lamps - I LOVE lamps. This is a sickness that has been passed down to me by my ancestors. I also love moving my lamps around to different areas of the house. See below...

Okay, I'm going to share with you just how sick my lamp addiction is. Anyone that wants to donate to my therapy fund may do so. I take paypal. :-)

Remember these lamps? Come along with me while I show you their journey around the house. They started out here in the foyer...

They moved to the family room...

To the front living room...

A better pic...

Back to the foyer. I should have just kept them there but what fun is that?

These buffet lamps were moved from the dining room...

I painted them, added fringe (don't have a fringe pic handy) and moved them to the foyer table....

Now they are back in the dining room...

I may move them back to the foyer next Halloween. I thought they looked great with my Halloween decorations...

The family room lamps have gone from these...

To these new lamps from Costco...

When I decided to buy these lamps, my son said "that's the last thing we need, more lamps".

I wonder what other areas of the house I could try these lamps?

Here are more lamps around the house.
I told you I was addicted.

I have more lamps (no kidding) but I've decided to share them in another post.

Before you take me...the mad, psychotic lamp women off your blog list, come back next week for my Valentine project and decorations.
I had to buy Valentine decorations just for my that pathetic?

Thank you Girly Stuff for the award and tag!


Laura said...

I am totally the same way about lamps! I hate overhead lighting! I have a few stashed away also that I switch out now and then too!

Laura :)

Oh, and I love the new ones!

Rosalyn Francis said...

ILYL! Did you son roll his eyes as he said, "just what we need more lamps?" I can totally picture it! Lamps actually match your personality, warm and inviting.

AJ said...

I ♥ lamps too. I need more acutally, but the ones I always want are way overpriced! Love your new ones from Costco!! Oh, and I am a tweaker. Nothing ever stays in the same place too long around here:)

Anonymous said...

I love seeing photos of your house, it's beautiful. I'm addicted to tables. LOL


Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Brandee,
All your lamps are beautiful! And of course your home too *smiles* I really love your style and the camo upper wall is amazing! How fun for a boy's room! Wish I had had half your decorating style when my son was little cause that camo rocks! Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

Cheri said...


LOVE the lamps, you have so many great ideas and your lucky you have places to change out every now and then. I think my home leaves little for rearranging or I have tunnel vision.

Can't wait to see your V-day project. We don't make a big deal about V-day decorating or projects (maybe because I don't have kids at home anymore) but blogging makes me feel like I should. I may have something lined up if I can get blogger to cooperate. Can't seem to post pictures or videos and I have one of each. Darn it all.


duchess said...

I'm a lamp girl myself.
Your house is beautiful.
Have a great weekend.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Great list! Little Debbie cakes are not only yummy, and remind me of my childhood, but they hardly cost anything at all. They're the best deal around!

When I used to work for a designer, one of my jobs was driving around to various lamp stores and taking lamps to clients' homes to try. You would love that!

I just fixed your link on my site so it comes directly to this post (you had put in your general blog address)--I assumed this was the post you meant to link to? If not, let me know. And would you mind linking back to my party so everyone knows what's going on? Here's the Hooked on Fridays link:

Thanksabunch!! :-)

Kristen, pajama mama said...

Congrats...and that wasn't too many have a lot of rooms....and need a lot of light, right? me too.

imjacobsmom said...

I need new lampshades! Larger shades. I am having trouble finding larger lamp shades at the stores. I love lamps too. I detest overhead lighting it is so harsh. ~ Robyn

Decor To Adore said...

I am currently on a lamp quest for not only the perfect lamp, but perfect shade for my sons room that I have recently done. I am neurotic I won't even post the pics on my blog until that lamp is found. Going out again today...wish me luck and please don't ask why the 3 other lamps I have in the closet won't work. :)

Pedaling said...

ive been enjoying your blog so i thought i'd just say hi.

love the new costco lamps along with all the others. i am constantly moving stuff, not just lamps, all around my home as well.

your home is deliciously beautiful!

have a nice weekend.

cindy said...

OMG! You made me laugh with that last comment about buying the Valentine decor just for your blog! I identify! I also switch my lamps around too....but I dont have as many as you....(someone in my house already thinks I have too many!)...too bad...I need more! Good post today...cant wait to see what you bought for v-day...because if its really cool than I will have to rush out and get it too! Its a sickness.

Erica Shurter said...

Girl, we are two peas in a pod! I think my list would be exactly the same as yours, beginning with the coffee, all the way to the lamps!!!!

Thanks for your advise on Sea World! I can't wait to take my family! I've been twice, but it's been 15 years since I've been! And my husband has never been, so I think he is just as excited as the kids! I think we are going to do LegoLand. I got mixed reviews on that one, but we'll take your advice and try it! Thanks again!

PS LOVE all your lamps!!! :)

Darlene said...

Oh girl you ARE my long lost sister. In the last two weeks alone I have bought 4 lamps!!! What is going ON!?!?! You know I ALWAYS love seeing pictures around your is just sooooo BEAUTIFUL!

Congratulations on your award!!!♥

Ginger said...

Hi Brandee:
Your house is gorgeous...and you have do you keep it so clean? I like all your furniture, everything looks so good together. And the lamps are perfect...I need some new ones but can never find any I like that go with my old furniture...guess I need new furniture!!!

Blogger said...

I love lamps, too...but the one room we need them most (the living room), we only have ONE and it is a pathetic one at that. I have been looking around though, hope to have some soon.

Have a great weekend :)

Ms. Tee said...

I love lamps, too - they make everything so cozy. They're all great! Hope you have a good weekend :)

Da Bergs said...

Oh, no.... I think I have found a new addiction!!!!

Girly Stuff said...

I was happy to pass that award along. It keeps us real.

Your house is so nice! I think that is the first time I've seen so much of it.

The lamps are great! You've got the best spray painting job so far. No weird spots when the light is on.

Are you sure one of your addictions isn't cleaning? That is the most spotless house I've ever seen. I am jealous and impressed!

Looking forward to V-day decor. Pink lamps?

Unknown said...

I love lamps too! I can't wait to see your Valentine decorations.

Anonymous said...

What a lamp collection! Reading this post made me stop and think, and I realized I only have three lamps in my entire house! Hmmm, maybe some shopping is in order!

Beth at Aunties said...

I am with Shaila...I think I also found a new addiction. The lamps look great ever you move them to, or however you interchange them. It keeps life interesting.
Brandee, you really do have a beautiful home which shows lots of tender loving care.

nikkicrumpet said...

I think before I went on RMS I had 1 or 2 lamps in my whole house. After seeing all the beautiful rooms I went on a lamp buying spree. Now there are at least 2 lamps in every room!! I've discovered how great they look and how much fun they are to decorate with. So I totally understand your addiction! I love the painted shades with the fringe...that's a great idea.

Lisa said...

yes, but you do good things with your lamp addiction.

cherry said...

Nuttin wrong with a little lamp migration....will keep it on the down low for ya though! Rofl...I love your boys room...gorgeous. My kid would so dig that. cherry

Shannon said...

Congrats on your award! I love lamps too...I just wish I had more places to put them! :)

Anonymous said...

I am jealous of all your lamps! I'm looking for a "reasonably" priced pair of lamps. My problem is that I want them dirt cheap. May not happen- I my just have to splurge one day!

Tamara Jansen said...

Of course you are addicted to lamps......they light up your world :)

Georgia Girl said...

Yep I say your a lamp girl...but that is a good thing! Your shining your light on everyone!

Unknown said...

I hooked on lamps too Brandee! You have a lovely home!

Heather said...

I love the way you decorated your foyer table for Halloween; you're so creative!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hi! I just stumbled across your blog! What a great post about lamps to really get to know you (hee hee).

I am very much like you with moving things around. Once I put my hubbys recliner in the kitchen because I didn't want it in the living room anymore and didn't know where else to put it! Needless to say, he sat in the kitchen for a few weeks before we put it in the garage!!

I'll visit again. Want to see your valentine ideas! :-)


Gretchen said...

I move lamps all the time too. It just ... fun!

Your boys' rooms are great!!! I love the themes, subtle but fun.

I've missed you, girlie!

Angela said...

I just found your blog and I LOVE it...It helps me with ideas on our new house for decorations. I Love your coffee table that you have with those dark leather couches. Do you remember where you got that from I would love one like that for our living room, big and square rahter than small rectangle.

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